Lysios Public Affairs

Lysios Public Affairs offers advice and guidance to its clients, helping them improve their interactions with their political, legislative, regulatory and socio-economic environment and develop their activities.

  • Jean-Luc


    Founder and President of Lysios

    Jean-Luc Archambault graduated from the prestigious Corps des Mines.  He was in charge of Industry and Environment policies at the French General Secretary for European Affairs. He then worked for the Ministry of Industry and was in charge of the electronic and digital sector.

    areas of expertise: environment, competition, industry, broadcasting and media, telecoms, European policies and programmes

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  • Camille


    Account Manager

    Prior to joining Lysios in 2016, Camille Ball worked at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in the General Directorate of Enterprises, on issues related to the promotion of French industrial interests in the context of international trade agreements and trade defense instruments.

    areas of expertise: legislative and regulatory monitoring, industry, trade and distribution, digital economy and telecoms, health, agriculture sustainable development, energy, circular economy

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  • Pierre



    Pierre Bouchacourt worked in Parliament for several years, in particular as Parliamentary Assistant to Dominique Strauss Kahn, MP and former Economy and Finance Minister. He was also a member of Dominique Strauss Kahn’s campaign staff during the Socialist Party’s presidential primaries in 2006.

    areas of expertise: parliament and regional/local authorities, zoning laws, housing, trade and distribution issues, security issues, health industry, social economy

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  • Anne


    Senior Advisor

    Préfète de Région honoraire (French regional state representative), Anne put her skills to the service of the state, local authorities, and overseas territories.

    areas of expertise: legal entities, high administration, territorial administration, overseas territories, mediation, management

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  • Bruno


    Senior Advisor

    Bruno Chauffert-Yvart spent most of his career working on rehabilitation and enhancement of historical sites and landscaping. As a State architect and urban planner, Bruno worked in France as well as abroad, and he implemented strategies aimed at improving and safeguarding urban living and environment.

    areas of expertise: Heritage and property, urban planning, landscaping, enhancing and protection policies, environment, culture, tourism

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  • Jean-Philippe



    Jean-Philippe Daniel worked as a political advisor for several local governments, two Government Ministries and the French National Assembly before becoming a consultant in public affairs.

    areas of expertise: transport, manufacturing industry, tourism, cultural industries, politics and parliamentary issues, international affairs

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  • Jean-Pierre


    Senior Advisor

    Following his graduation from the French National School of Administration (ENA) in 1980, Jean-Pierre Jouyet was named financial inspector (“inspecteur des finances”). Between 1988 and 1991, he was Roger Fauroux’s Chief of Staff, who was Minister of Industry, Foreign Trade and Town and Country Planning and then Minister of Industry and Town and Country Planning. From 1991 to 1995, he was named Chief of Staff and subsequently appointed Principal Secretary to the cabinet of Jacques Delors, President of the European Commission, before his nomination in 1997 as Deputy Director of Prime Minister Lionel Jospin’s Office (1997-2000).

    areas of expertise: international issues, European Union institutions and policies, central administration, economic and financial affairs

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  • Benjamin



    Before joining Lysios in 2023, Benjamin worked for two years in the political party La République En Marche as project manager in the Elections and elected representatives Division. In 2022, he took an active part in the campaign of Benjamin Haddad, deputy of Paris, and joined him at the French National Assembly as a Parliamentary Assistant.

    areas of expertise: consumer goods, parliamentary life, health, New technologies, transport, Parliament

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  • Alban



    Alban de Louvencourt began his career as Business Development Manager for a software publisher on the Internet (Critical Path). He was then General Representative for the business lobbying association ETHIC and joined Lysios in 2005.

    areas of expertise: entrepreneurship, energies, financial services, politics and parliamentary issues, broadcasting and media

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  • Claude


    Senior Advisor

    After having started his career at the National Assembly as a political advisor, Claude Morel became Principal Private Secretary to Pierre Joxe, Minister of the Interior. He then held a number of positions within the Ministry, alternating with posts as deputy préfet and later as préfet. He participated in the implementation of the Matignon agreements in New Caledonia from 1988 to 1991.

    areas of expertise: transport, central and local administrations, local government, project management, training

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  • Capucine


    Senior Consultant

    Before joining Lysios in 2020, Capucine Bouldoire worked in the Politics and Opinion department of the Harris Interactive polling institute, as well as at the Government Information Service (SIG) as a research consultant. She also worked as parliamentary assistant to the MoDem deputy for the 5th district of Loire-Atlantique, Sarah El Haïry.


    areas of expertise: political opinions, parliamentary life, regulatory and legislative watch

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  • Félix


    Senior Consultant

    Before joining Lysios in 2020, Félix Fournier worked in the office of the President of the French National Assembly and with the Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of the modernization of public action. He was also advisor to the President of the National Commission for Public Debate in the framework of the COP21 negotiations.


    areas of expertise: parliamentary law, institutional life, public finance, local government, financial stability, cultural policy

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  • Patrick


    Senior Advisor

    Former magistrate and lawyer, Patrick Ouart was notably justice advisor to Prime Minister Edouard Balladur and President Nicolas Sarkozy.

    areas of expertise: economic and financial affairs, high central administration, management of companies, local and national policies, justice

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  • Olivier


    Senior Advisor

    Olivier Petros dedicated his career to the energy sector, strategy and international affairs.

    areas of expertise: energies, international affairs, défence

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  • Patrick


    Senior Advisor

    Patrick Stefanini devoted his career to civil service and politics, on a national and regional level. He began his career at the Ministry of the Interior, and then worked with Alain Juppé at the RPR (leading right-wing party), before joining Jacques Chirac’s presidential campaign in 1995. He then became deputy Chief of Staff and advisor to the Prime Minister Alain Juppé.

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  • Julien


    Account Manager

    Prior to joining Lysios in 2012, Julien Morel was a Parliamentary Assistant at the French National Assembly, as well as a project officer at Canal Plus and at the TV Advertising National Syndicate. Julien was also involved in several campaigns during the last two legislative elections, in charge of a candidate’s communications in 2012 and worked as a campaign manager in 2017.

    areas of expertise: digital economy, legislative and regulatory monitoring, budget laws, industry, financial services, broadcasting and media, transport and new mobilities, sport

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  • Alexandre


    Account Manager

    Before joining Lysios in March 2020, Alexandre Vesperini was the youngest member of the City Council of Paris in the last term of office (2014-2020), and worked at the European Parliament, at the French Parliament, as well as in ministerial cabinets and with national political figures.

    areas of expertise: healthcare system, territorial cohesion, organization of local and national authorities

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  • Marie-Pierre


    Secretary general

    With a 15-year experience at the Boston Consulting Group as European Training Coordinator and more recently as Office Manager in a law firm, Marie-Pierre is accustomed to working in a highly demanding and stimulating international business environment.

    areas of expertise: interaction and communication skills, customer service oriented, strong organization and coordination skills

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  • Marie-Myrtille



    Before joining Lysios in 2010, Marie-Myrtille worked for Vivendi’s legal department. Then she joined a law firm in Madrid, mostly dealing with cases related to European Telecommunications and Competition Law.

    areas of expertise: environment, telecom and digital, media, European policies and programmes, sport

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  • Jean-Michel


    Senior advisor

    Jean-Michel Chasseriaux has devoted most of his career to international scientific relations. He was Director of International Relations for the French Ministry for Research and for two research institutes (INRIA and IRD) where he acquired first-hand experience in international and European negotiations.

    areas of expertise: digital economy, energies, telecoms, European policies and programmes

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  • Pierre


    Senior Advisor

    Pierre Ménat is a career diplomat – he worked for two Foreign Ministers (Jean-Bernard Raimond and Alain Juppé) and was an ambassador in several countries. He was also an advisor in European Affairs for the French President Jacques Chirac.

    areas of expertise: international affairs, European institutions and policies, Central and Eastern Europe, support for companies' international development

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  • Bianca



    Born in Italy in 1995, Bianca studied European Politics at Sciences Po Lille and holds a master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Turin. After a work experience period at the European Parliament and the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, she joined Lysios in 2019 and continues to study both Administrative Law and Communication.

    areas of expertise: European policies and programs, Telecommunications, space, telecoms, European policies and programmes

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  • Jacques



    Jacques de Tournemire is a former student of ENA. He was an advisor to the Minister of Health and to the Prime Minister on health and social protection issues. After working at the executive board of an international pharmaceutical group, he became an advisor on issues related to health and economics.

    areas of expertise: economics and Health

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”Lysios is the one that releases, that solves complex situations”

Lysios Public Affairs has a renowned expertise in dealing with public authorities and taking part in the French and European decision-making processes.

Lysios offers a full range of services to its clients, in Paris as well as in Brussels, defining and meeting their needs in the following areas of expertise: political, legislative and regulatory monitoring; strategy consulting in public affairs; lobbying; business development and funding; training and coaching.

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Areas of focus

Since the beginning, Lysios Public Affairs has been working with major French and foreign firms, business organisations, associations and foundations, mostly from the following areas of expertise:

  • Telecommunications
  • New technologies
  • Broadcasting and media
  • Cultural industries
  • Energies and environment
  • Health industries and biotechnologies
  • Transport
  • Manufacturing industries
  • Financial services
  • Trade and distribution
  • Tourism
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publi cations

With its proven expertise in public institutions and as a privileged observer of the French and European political life, Lysios regularly publishes articles and analyses.

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Professional ethics

In Paris, Lysios is registered in the directory of interest representatives of the Haute Autorité pour la Transparence de la Vie Publique (High
Authority for the Transparency of Public Life) and realizes all its missions in accordance with Law n° 2013-907 of October 11, 2013,
amended by Law n° 2016-1691 of December 9, 2016, concerning transparency, fight against corruption and modernization of economic
life, known as the “Sapin 2” law. Thus, Lysios declares all its interest representation activities to the HATVP and is subject to its control.

In Brussels, Lysios is registered in the directory of interest representatives of the European Commission and Parliament, under number
22561156762-32. Since 2011, Lysios has also been member of the European Public Affairs Consultancies’ Association (EPACA), and a
signatory to its Code of Conduct.